Monday, July 27, 2015

Another Decisive Decision

After some consideration and thought I have decided not to return to my job in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. I actually have enjoyed my time in Saudi, but I haven’t enjoyed the company. The HR team is in over their head to say the least and are simply lacking in so many ways. Most of the senior staff possess the same qualities and are strictly there to ride the wave while the money is good.

I know a lot of people do that. Actually, a great number of people do that so, I guess it’s just me. I wasn’t raised that way to play the game. I was raised to do my best at all times and in all things – do the right thing even when no one else is looking. I know there has to be something better for me as a continuous stressful working environment is not the answer for me.

Thus, I’m signing off on my Kingdom of Saudi Arabia blog. On to the next adventure!