Sunday, December 21, 2014


My first day of work was Sunday, December 14, 2014. My day was uneventful and very interesting, all in one. I was ready to meet the other management, get briefed on what needed to be done and where to start, but there was none of that. I was “horded” along with the other teachers and sent to orientation. Unknown to me, the president of our college was looking for me and no one said anything so, I had a week of hanging with the
teachers which was fine with me because I got to know some of them a lot better. But, where do they do that at!?! Sandi Arabia! 

Anyways, it also gave me a chance to witness incognito the way testing was being done. Needless to say I was horrified but, it got done. And after about a week, I finally met my boss in person. I had a chat with her, was shown my office, and completed the paperwork for my work phone. Then, off I went - left to my own demise. I had a meeting with the quality and curriculum manager at the company’s headquarters affectionately called “The Boys Club” because only men work in that building. At the end of the day, it was just me to sort out all of the assessment demands.

Since then, I have pretty much done my own thing when it comes to my department. By, the way, I am a department of one. Lol. Lately, it has been a lot of research, reading, analyzing data and writing reports. I can handle that. Thus, so far, so good. To be continued.

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